Michael J. Lipari, Mandelbaum Barrett PC
3 Becker Farm Road | Suite 105 | Roseland, NJ 07068
Phone: (973) 243-7927 | Cell: (973) 479-0278
www.mblawfirm.com • MLipari@mblawfirm.com
About Michael
Michael J. Lipari an attorney in Mandelbaum Barrett’s real estate department, where he focuses his practice on redevelopment, land use, zoning, eminent domain and community association law. Michael’s clients include developers, redevelopers, landowners, landlords and tenants involved in the development and use of various types of projects that include residential, commercial, mixed-use, transit-oriented, industrial, commercial, office and retail development projects. Michael counsels clients throughout all aspects of the development project starting with due diligence prior to acquisition.